Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekend Recap

July Weekend from Chris Robertson on Vimeo.

This says it better than I could. Happy week all! Stay cool!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Rise and Shine

That's what we're trying to do this Monday to make up for last week, which was lackluster to say the least. Nicky is finally feeling better and more like himself, though we are all off of our schedules and, being the ridiculous creatures of habit that we are, bumbling around a bit. We're still a little tired and stressed, having some trouble ridding ourselves of the excess adrenaline that floods your system while you watch your little one suffer. It's the most frustrating and overwhelming feeling. A couple days of getting back in the swing of things should do the trick. And we finally got some rain! Oh, things have been so hot and dry here. The days have been pretty and sunny, but I love a green lawn and thriving flowers and my hose and I are just not an acceptable substitute for a nice, drenching storm. I couldn't have been more excited to wake up to gray skies and thunderclaps. Anyway, things are looking up.

Sleep Tight from Chris Robertson on Vimeo.

Last night my husband made a new video from older footage of Nicky. I was really touched because I don't remember or recognize any of the videos. I guess they're techically "outtakes" but I find them adorable. It strikes me how different, yet how much the same, Nicky looks then compared to now. I love his big smile so stinkin much. Anyway, this makes me look forward to those first quiet months with a newborn (which probably won't be so quiet this time around!).

Have a good week!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Must Read

Zeitoun by Dave Eggers. Scribble this down and boogie on over to your local bookstore or library. I really can't do this book justice with a long-winded, overly wrought review. Suffice it to say that I thought I knew what happened during Katrina. I thought I was angry and ashamed by the suffering and injustice. I knew nothing until I read this non-fiction account told through the eyes of Syrian-born Abdulrahman Zeitoun (Zay-toon) and his wife Kathy. It's an incredible story and incredibly written by Eggers, whose passion for both the Zeitoun family and the people of New Orleans is palpable throughout, and wonderfully present in the final chapter.

As an American, this book made me ashamed of this chapter in our nation's very recent history, but, oddly enough, reaffirmed my faith in the American spirit and what we are capable of when we are at our very best. I think it's a very, very important book.

Anyway, there's lots going on here, which explains my break from blogging. I'm nursing a sick little one back to health and handling a big project at work, not to mention growing quite a little baby bump! Hopefully more to come soon. I'm also reading The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers, which has been on my shelf for nearly 6 months. So far it's all it's said to be.

Happy week all. Enjoy your summer!