Monday, June 20, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up

We had a relatively quiet weekend here. On Saturday, Chris got to take a long (early) Father's Day bike ride while the boys and I hosted a play date at the pool. Thank you to Aunt KK for filing Chris' shoes and helping me juggle the kiddos. There was a trip to the Farmer's Market (I love berry season!) and lots of flower watering (it was so hot here on Saturday that the leaves on my basil plant actually burnt). There was lawn mowing and there were meatballs. And there were rainbows.

On Sunday, Father's Day, we did brunch at the Chickahominy House, a local staple that we'd yet to try. I give it a big "Eh." Chris said the world-famous biscuits were good. But world-famous southern biscuits? Shouldn't we have been dreaming about them last night?

Afterwards, we headed to Busch Gardens for a couple hours, then home for a nap for Nicky that never happened. Chris and Nicky did some bike matinence, which I wish I got on film. Nicky pumping up his tires was too cute. Jack and I trailed behind as they rode the neighborhood streets together. I made Chris chicken marsala (his favorite) with Jamie Oliver's raw summer squash salad (a definite new summer favorite). The boys both went down so easily, which was perhaps the best gift they could have given Chris!

I woke up this morning thinking it was not a big enough thank you for my husband, who really is an amazing father. We should have made it really special, but you know, the budget is a little tight and we're both swamped at work and just a bit fatigued from keeping up with the daily right now. I suppose it was a celebration in line with our energy levels. In the years to come we'll do it big. Or maybe not. Maybe in years to come we'll realize a lazy day with just us is really the best way to celebrate. And I think he knows how much we love him. I hope he does. I'll make sure he does.

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